Powering Innovation

Delivering market focused semiconductor manufacturing & innovation 40% faster.

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Mature node sensor manufacturing at scale

Hudson Valley Fast Fab will establish the sole, non-captive small-batch, scalable mature/legacy-node (200mm/90nm-28nm) semiconductor manufacturing facility in the United States. As a collaborative fab with multiple Consortium Member Tenants operating under a singular “hub and spoke” model, it will provide needed production opportunities for both emerging and established companies in the semiconductor industry while being non-competitive with any established or announced domestic planned fab / semiconductor companies in the State of New York.
Our Vision


165,000 sqft of cleanroom space for semiconductor manufacturing
Former IBM East Campus
25,000 sqft dedicated to classified semiconductor production
Located in the I-PARK-84 complex
one of the hvff manufacturing buildings


Hudson Valley Fast Fab provides small innovative business design and development resources; ManufactureS innovative feature-rich solutions using mature node semiconductor technologies in a secure American environment.